Thank you for requesting
a driver's license examination

We will contact you as soon as possible
to set up an appointment.

Uw aanvraag wordt zo snel mogelijk verwerkt en u wordt spoedig gebeld voor een afspraak.

  •  Please fill in your health declaration form in advance. You can complete this online via the website of the CBR (
     You can also buy a health declaration form at the city hall.

  • Do you have a letter that says 'referral', including a ZD code?
    Please take that letter with you, because with that code I can submit the inspection digitally to the CBR. This is faster and less error-prone.

  • Do you use medicines? Then it's useful to bring a medication list to the examination.

  • Do you wear glasses in the car? It is useful to take these glasses with you to the inspection, because your eyes will be tested.

  • Are you 70 years or older? Then please bring a small jar with your urine (this does not have to be morning urine). Your urine will be examined with a urine stick.

  • The costs for the inspection are €45, which can be paid in cash or by debit card.
    For an inspection at your home, €35 call-out costs are also charged.

  • Please note: inspections for truck and bus driver's licenses as well as examinations for shipping or taxi passes cannot be carried out by us. You can contact a company doctor or health and safety doctor for this.
  •  Wilt u vooraf uw Eigen verklaring (Gezondheidsverklaring) invullen?
    Deze verklaring kunt u online invullen via de website van het CBR (
     You can also buy a health declaration form at the city hall.

  • Do you have a letter that says 'referral', including a ZD code?
    Please take that letter with you, because with that code I can submit the inspection digitally to the CBR. This is faster and less error-prone.

  • Do you use medicines? Then it's useful to bring a medication list to the examination.

  • Do you wear glasses in the car? It is useful to take these glasses with you to the inspection, because your eyes will be tested.

  • Are you 70 years or older? Then please bring a small jar with your urine (this does not have to be morning urine). Your urine will be examined with a urine stick.

  • The costs for the inspection are €45, which can be paid in cash or by debit card.
    For an inspection at your home, €35 call-out costs are also charged.

  • Please note: inspections for truck and bus driver's licenses as well as examinations for shipping or taxi passes cannot be carried out by us. You can contact a company doctor or health and safety doctor for this.