Op zoek naar een huisarts in Groningen?
We’re happy to welcome you at General Practice Radesingel!
We're happy to welcome you at
General Practice Radesingel!
Ask questions about your health
fast, easy and online
Easily request an
STD test online
Accessible help for stress
and mental health issues
Personal attention
We like to take time for our patients:
20-minute consults are our standard.
High quality care
Our doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapist
and doctor’s assistants are here to help you.
Opening hours
We offer a wide range of options.
On some days we’re also open during the evening!
You can contact us by phone, email, video calls
or the Digital Doctor's Assistant.
You can contact us by phone, email, video calls or the Digital Doctor's Assistant.
We’re constantly improving to make sure our patients have the most comfortable
and efficient experience as possible.
We’re constantly improving to make sure our patients have the most comfortable and efficient experience as possible.
Fast, easy
and online
Thanks to the Digital Doctor's Assistant, you can approach your GP online.
Je kunt je vraag stellen via een bericht
en zelfs foto’s toevoegen wanneer nodig.
It’s also super easy to get an STD test, blood test or repeat prescription.
In this way, you can get help without having to make an appointment at the practice!
Would you rather get seen by a doctor in real life? With the Digital Doctor’s Assistant, it’s also possible to make an appointment for a consultation (so you don’t have to wait on the phone).
Thanks to the Digital Doctor's Assistant, you can approach your GP online.
Type in your question(s), add photos or documents if needed and you'll get a reply as soon as possible.
It’s also super easy to get an STD test, blood test or repeat prescription.
In this way, you can get help without having to make an appointment at the practice!
Would you rather get seen by a doctor in person? With the Digital Doctor’s Assistant,
it’s also possible to make an appointment for a consultation (so you don’t have to wait on the phone).
Do you also want this?
or make an appointment at our practice
We offer primary care as well as small surgical procedures, placing IUDs and contraceptive implants (Implanon).
Our doctor’s assistants also offer daily consultation hours for injections (such as vitamin B12), warts removal, ear syringing, etc.
We also offer health inspections to get approval for your driver’s license.
When coping with sports injuries, some patients go see a physical therapist and some make an appointment with their general practitioners. We think both caregivers can be very valuable, which is why we believe in collaborating.
We created a ‘Exercise Consultation Hour’ on every other Friday afternoon, especially for patients with sports injuries. A general practitioner as well as a physical therapist will check your injury and if necessary we’ll make an ultrasound.
Met deze samenwerking hopen we jou de beste zorg te kunnen bieden! Dit spreekuur valt onder huisartsenzorg, er is hiervoor geen aanvullende verzekering met dekking van fysiotherapie nodig.
Here you can turn to for:
- Clarifying problems
- Educating about symptoms, causes and possible solutions
- Advise about treatments or to get a reference
- Short term treatments
- Aftercare after a mental health care treatment (GGZ)
For consultations at the POH-GGZ, the costs are not reimbursed by the basic insurance. Your deductible is not addressed because the care falls under general practitioner care.
Here you can turn to for:
- Eductation about the clinical picture
- Consultation for medicine use
- Recurrent check-ups
Daarnaast wordt er tijdens het consult aandacht besteed aan je leefstijl. De verpleegkundige ondersteunt de patiënt bij het zo goed mogelijk leren omgaan het de verschijnselen, de behandeling, eventuele leefstijl-veranderingen en de lichamelijke en sociale gevolgen die horen bij het leven met een chronische aandoening.
Do you want to quit smoking? Our GP nurse can help with this as well.
digital system'
Vincent Alexander
Andrew Lalis
Andrew Lalis
Sign up here – it’s free
Sign up to become a patient at our general practioner’s office.
It’s free and without any obligations.