About us

We’re happy to welcome you at General Practice Radesingel!

Two GP's
under one roof

At our office you’ll find two GP practices: J.W.A. van Willigen and Huisartsenpraktijk Radesingel (T. Verbeek van Buuren). As a patient, you’ll be connected to one of these practices, but we work together as a team.

In Huisartsenpraktijk Radesingel (T. Verbeek van Buuren) work several male and female general practioners. If you prefer one of our general practitioners, please let us know when making an appointment.

We always try to offer you the same GP as much as possible. Only in case of emergency or absence of your own doctor (because of sickness, vacation or leave of absence) it’s possible that patients will be helped by a different general practitioner than they are used to.

We offer primary care to the whole city of Groningen, but for home visits it’s recommended to only register with us if you live not too far from the GP office.

Especially in case of emergency, it’s not desirable to live more than 15 minutes away.

Ask your health questions online
or make an appointment at our practice
We offer primary care as well as small surgical procedures, placing IUDs and contraceptive implants (Implanon).

Our doctor’s assistants also offer daily consultation hours for injections (such as vitamin B12), warts removal, ear syringing, etc.

We also offer health inspections to get approval for your driver’s license.
Exercise Consultation Hour
When coping with sports injuries, some patients go see a physical therapist and some make an appointment with their general practitioners. We think both caregivers can be very valuable, which is why we believe in collaborating.

We created a ‘Exercise Consultation Hour’ on every other Friday afternoon, especially for patients with sports injuries. A general practitioner as well as a physical therapist will check your injury and if necessary we’ll make an ultrasound.

A general practitioner as well as a physical therapist will check your injury and if necessary we’ll make an ultrasound.

This consulting hour is part of your GP care, therefore there’s no additional insurance with coverage of physiotherapy required.
Mental health issues?
Our certified psychologist has a lot of knowledge and experience with mental health care.

Here you can turn to for:
- Clarifying problems
- Educating about symptoms, causes and possible solutions
- Advise about treatments or to get a reference
- Short term treatments
- Aftercare after a mental health care treatment (GGZ)

For consultations at the POH-GGZ, the costs are not reimbursed by the basic insurance. Your deductible is not addressed because the care falls under general practitioner care.
Long term care
Our GP nurse is specialized in chronic diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, long conditions (COPD and asthma), elderly care and people who want to quit smoking.

Here you can turn to for:
- Eductation about the clinical picture
- Consultation for medicine use
- Recurrent check-ups

The consultations are also about lifestyle.
Our GP nurse also helps patients how to cope with symptoms, treatments, certain lifestyle changes and social effects that may come with having a chronic disease.

Do you want to quit smoking? Our GP nurse can help with this as well.

Our team

Our doctors, nurses, psychologists,
physiotherapist and doctor’s assistants are here to help you.

Do you prefer one of our general practitioners?
Let us know when making an appointment.

Dr. J.W.A. van Willigen

General practitioner

Dr. T. Verbeek van Buuren

General practitioner

Quality mark

We’re proud to announce that we’re an accredited practice for years now, according to the norms of the Dutch organization called Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap (NHG).

This accreditation is the most important acknowledgement for GP offices.

Every year, a critical auditor assesses our practice. Supported by the NHG accreditation we’re constantly improving the quality of our services.

Questions or remarks?

We aim to provide you our best care and we want to make your experience as comfortable as possible. However, if you have a complaint, remark or a question: feel free to let us know.

First of all, discuss it with your GP. When your GP doesn’t know you’re unhappy about something, the situation won’t change. This also applies to our GP nurse, mental health worker or doctor’s assistants.

If you prefer filling in a form, you can click here here or you can ask for this form at our office. We’ll contact you as soon as possible so we can find a solution together.

Sign up here – it’s free

Sign up to become a patient at our general practioner’s office.
It’s free and without obligation.

News from our GP office

Our new website is live!

Our website has remained the same for years, but that has finally changed! The new website is light, transparent and open – which suits our practice very well.

Read more

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